VAM Netflix brings adventure game 'Oxenfree II: Lost Signals' by Night School -

Netflix brings adventure game ‘Oxenfree II: Lost Signals’ by Night School

Netflix recently shared that adventure game Oxenfree II: Lost Signals is now available exclusively on mobile via Netflix, as well as Steam, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch.

Taking place five years after the events of the first game, this new game tells the story of Riley Poverly, a headstrong environmental researcher who returns to her hometown to investigate supernatural signals. It gets a little spooky and weird from there.

Since making their debut more than seven years ago with Oxenfree, Night School studio director Sean Krankel shared that they have continued to evolve as a studio and hone in on what makes a great narrative adventure game.

The creators asked themselves: what does a coming-of-age story look like for somebody in their early thirties, going through their own sets of challenges and looking back on the decisions they’ve made? While Riley wonders about her past life choices, players are responsible for shaping her future with every choice they make — and how they choose to deal with the supernatural events at hand will forever alter Riley and the town of Camena.

Here’s the description of this new game: With this new story, they are introducing new gameplay mechanics they hope players will love. With a bit more life experience under her belt, Riley has a few capabilities that Alex from the original game didn’t. She can now climb, rappel down mountains, and get into spaces she wouldn’t have been able to before, empowering players to explore this world in new ways. Players will also find Time Tears, which are holes in time that rip open and force Riley to confront history. And, of course, the ever-essential radio is back to tap into anomalies. But now players also have a walkie-talkie that lets them connect with new characters in Camena and dive deeper into the lore of this special story.

The game is published in front of 233 million members in 32 languages.