‘Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild’ to be produced by Capcom and Pure Imagination Studios

Monster HunterThe world of Monster Hunter will soon come among us with its first storyline, and it will be produced by the developer and producer Capcom as well as Pure Imagination Studios (Resident Evil adaptations). Both the companies will be producing and co-financing the upcoming Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild. The story is written by Joshua Fine (Ultimate Spider-Man). It is expected to premiere in 2019 as the production is anticipated to complete in this winter.

Capcom’s Monster Hunter franchise has been so popular that it is being turned into a movie or a series of movies now. The movie’s story too focuses on an aspiring young monster hunter who is struggling to make a name for him. When he finds out that his village is in the path of an Elder Dragon’s direction, which can cause damage and wreck the habitats, he braces himself and fights for his people.

In 2016, a Japanese anime named Monster Hunter Stories: Ride On was produced that dealt with the Elder Dragon as well.

“We are thrilled to return fans to the universe of Monster Hunter and expand the series’ rich lore,” said Monster Hunter series producer, Ryozo Tsujimoto. “We think die-hard fans will appreciate our dedication to the source material while those uninitiated to the series will still be treated to an epic adventure in a wholly unique world.”

Monster Hunter: World, an action role-playing game, was produced by Capcom and released in January 2018. Till date, the game has developed a dedicated fan-base and has become one of Capcom’s biggest-selling titles of all time. The same is expected from the upcoming movie.