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MECAT diya kya?

Media & Entertainment Creative Aptitude Test (MECAT), an initiative of Media & Entertainment Skill Council (MESC) is one of its kind assessment tool, which is designed to evaluate the creative aptitude and potential of individuals interested in pursuing careers within the media and entertainment industry. It serves as a standardised platform for assessing candidates’ suitability for various sub-sectors and programs within the industry. MECAT not only provides an individual with an opportunity of making a successful career in media and entertainment industry but also empowers them to explore the endless possibilities of digital media, from animation and visual effects to gaming and digital storytelling.


There are 12 subsectors of media and entertainment industry around which MECAT revolves:

  1. Television
  2. Films
  3. Out Of Home (OOH)
  4. Radio
  5. Animation
  6. Visual Effect (VFX)
  7. Music
  8. Gaming
  9. Digital Advertising
  10. Live Events
  11. Filmed Entertainment
  12. Print

MECAT specialises in these 12 categories and produces overall comprehensive results based on the skills and knowledge of the candidate. It makes the candidate aware of their potential and unlocks gateways of success.

Benefits of MECAT

MECAT is a platter of benefits, some of which are:

On the occasion of World Skill Youth Day, MESC is organising a MECAT week from 15 to 21 July 2024. During this week candidates will be able to appear for this amazing creative aptitude test and avail all these special benefits around it.

In this fast paced, full of imagination and creative world, MECAT provides clarity and directions to students by helping them identify their strengths, interests, and potential career paths within the dynamic media and entertainment landscape. It goes beyond traditional academic qualifications and focuses on assessing skills, abilities, and creative thinking required in the industry.

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