‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ goes gold

Over the last week or so, we have had our fair share of news for Mass Effect: Andromeda. The upcoming action role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts had recently released a video which gave us an overview about the basics of the game’s action and weapons. The video goes on to talk about four main kinds of weapons, pistols, sniper rifles, shotguns and assault rifles. Other than that, the video also showed melee items and special moves.

Now, as the news comes, the game has officially gone gold, which means that developer, BioWare has finished working on the initial development. The company took to twitter to confirm the news.

However, this might not mean that the game is absolutely ready; the developers will now possibly be working on the Day – 1 DLC patch or an upcoming patch. It had already been confirmed that Mass Effect: Andromeda will not have a DLC pass, but BioWare plans to support the game with additional content in the future.

We recently also learnt that the players would be able to play most of the game after they complete the main story mode.

Going by the dates, the developers are doing a pretty good job of sticking to the schedule for the 21 March release of the game. Mass Effect: Andromeda will be available for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. However, the multiplayer beta is expected to be available sometime before that.