Marvel unleashes the rage with an all-new Hulk and the return of Wolverine teaser

If comic fans thought that the month of June belonged to DC Comics who just announced the largest digital sale ever to celebrate their new series launch initiative, ‘DC You’, then they have another thing coming. The rival comic publisher, Marvel just unloaded a bombshell on the web teasing a complete revamp of two of its all-time fan favorite comic super-heroes, the big, green, not-so-jolly Hulk and our favourite mutant Wolverine.

While the whole DC universe is going through a multi-universe level change in Convergence, Marvel too is paving an altogether reboot of its key titles following their mega-crossover mini-series, Secret Wars. Coming straight from the Marvel Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso, the publisher is indeed looking at a total reboot of the Brice Banner Incarnation of the Hulk. In an interview with EW Alonso went on teasing that, “….the Marvel Universe is about to see the arrival of an All-New Hulk, not a Hulk that you’ve seen before. And this development is deeply rooted in story. I am personally excited about it and its ramifications and it’s a fascinating story that I think Bruce Banner fans will definitely want to read.”

It wasn’t long ago that Marvel had got their fans rolling and yelling with the revelation that the Norse God of Thunder, Thor a bearded white muscular man would be replaced by a woman, a female Thor!To top it all, the identity of the female Thor was also revealed by Thor writer Jason Aaron and it was none other than Jane Foster (played by Natalie Portman in the Marvel Cinematic Universe).

Dropping another hint to the twist surrounding Hulk’s upcoming issue, Alonso said that the new Incredible Hulk will not be Bruce Banner (played by Mark Ruffalo in The Avengers franchise), the gamma-scientist from the comics playing Hulk’s alter-ego. However fans shouldn’t be disappointed for Bruce would still be an integral part of the series.

With the new Hulk no longer battling his dual identity with Bruce, fans can only expect the Hulk to unleash a rage never seen before as Bruce was the last bit of humanity attached to the green monster.

Continuing to tickle the fans, Alonso in an interview with the New York Post, teased a resurrection for Wolverine (played by Hugh Jackman in Fox’s X-Men movies) saying, “Wolverine is going to return to the Marvel Universe. I fully expect that people’s blood will be boiling and excited in equal measure. Whether that’s a resurrected Logan or someone new…when people see the silhouette of the character, they’re going to freak out.”

Last year, Marvel had killed the adamantium-clawed mutant, Logan in ‘Death of Wolverine’ where Wolverine’s mutant healing powers had stopped working owing to a virus from microverse.

In an interview with MTV, writer Brian Michael Bendis commented that, “Secret Wars” is opening doors all over the Marvel Universe, and behind one of those doors is one of the best characters of the last 10 years thanks to Mark Miller and Steve McNiven… Old Man Logan. He’s been sitting on a shelf for a very long time, and it’s time for him to come out and play.”

Set in an alternate Universe Old Man Logan is a storyline that kick-started in 2008 by writer Mark Millar and artist Steve McNiven featuring a matured Logan in a fifty years hence timeline.