VAM Linc Pens' new animated TVC to promote 'Linc Twinn' -

Linc Pens’ new animated TVC to promote ‘Linc Twinn’

Linc Pens is all set to woo consumers with its unique animated TVC for its one-of-a kind product: Linc Twinn. The campaign is likely to bring the vibrancy of Indian folk music to Indian television.

Linc Twinn combines the power of a pen and a pencil in a single body. The communication reflects on the utility of Linc Twinn through an animated series which is sure to make a mark in the cluttered advertisement world, the company said.

The advertisement shows the prince of ‘Pen Nagar’ getting married to the princess of ‘Pencil Land’ and as a result of the marriage between the pen and pencil; Linc Twinn (The Pen with Pencil) is born. There are separate versions for Linc Twinn Ball & Gel category.

“Linc Twinn is a revolutionary product mainly targeted at students but useful for all. Cricket World Cup cuts across all age groups & income levels; hence; we thought it’s the best platform to launch a new TVC campaign,” said Linc Pens MD Deepak Jalan.

Linc Pens brand manager Harshvardhen Daga said that Linc Twinn is an all new category of writing instruments. “Till date people have used Pens or Pencils; we have combined both the utilities in one instrument,” he said.

“The ektara used throughout makes these TVCs stand apart along with the colourful animations. This entire journey of two months has been very exciting and our agency partners have been able to execute exactly what we required,” Daga explained.

Pressman executive creative director Raj Banerjee added, “Animation is increasingly becoming important as a tool for the advertising world and I can only see it increasing leaps and bounds in the near future for more engaging communication for the target group. Word-of-mouth feedback from various SECs; age groups; varied demography and psychographics seem to have talking only good things about Linc Twinn.”