Social distancing, quarantining, isolation, house arrest are a few words we are hearing or reading almost everyday in recent times. But staying indoors is the best we can do to combat the virus. Of course it’s boring to stay home all the time, but there are a lot of things one can do. Play games, talk with family, cook together, do gardening, read books, paint, watch movies, call near and dear ones, share memes, go through old albums.
Many publications or OTT platforms are currently providing free content to their readers. One amongst them is Kross Komics app. Kross Komics Indian representative Siddharth Raikar thinks that any form of reading is extremely important. “Reading comics is a bit more engaging because of the story and the visuals going hand in hand. So we are hoping that through us, people rediscover their love for reading and their fondness for comics. And to get people started we are offering over 500 free comics!”
Kross Komics is India’s first of its kind destination for comic lovers. It is the newest way of storytelling. The app which has managed to get over 200,000 downloads in the first six weeks. Covering around nine genres including horror, romantic, comedy, action, thriller, sci-fi, mystery, and drama, the comic episodes are available on the app in English and Hindi. These comics have very diverse settings from workplace to medieval castles to futuristic colonies, making each story different from the other.
The comics are made for the mobile-first youth of India, ensuring a wide range of art styles to pick from, with very easy to read with our iconic and user-friendly scrolling gestures.
“In these times, we took a conscious call of aggressively solving the problem of boredom for many young individuals sitting at their homes by providing the episodes for free. We can’t do much against the virus, but we can definitely do something about the lack of entertainment,” Raikar added.
The comics have a high degree of binge-ability. Each chapter needs only about five to seven minutes to read, and hence can be very smart ways of passing small pockets of time we have at our disposal throughout the day. The youth in India is now exposed to western culture and accepting webtoons on a large scale and Kross Komics will definitely make this culture grow in our country.
Kross Komics also created some illustrations using their comic characters. These illustrations are based on globally agreed upon directives – maintain social distance, washing hands or staying at home.