‘Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Expansion’ expands for PC

Private Division and Squad have launched Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Expansion for PC. Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Expansion, the second expansion for the critically acclaimed space sim, is an engaging, feature-rich content pack. This expansion increases the objective possibilities once celestial bodies have been reached by adding more interesting scientific endeavours and expanding the toolset.

With Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Expansion players will have all new robotic parts that include hinges, rotors, pistons, and more in a variety of different sizes. These parts encourage the invention of deeply creative vehicles with further advanced functionality than ever before.

“We are always listening closely to the ever-expanding Kerbal Space Program Community, and Breaking Ground addresses a long-requested aspect of the game that we have been working hard to fulfil: compelling reasons to explore and research planets. Players now have even more reasons to explore the celestial bodies of the solar system,” said Squad lead producer Nestor Gomez.

Deployed science is another major addition of this expansion, which enhances the experiments and data-collection objectives that have gone hand-in-hand with space exploration. Players will be able to utilise a storage container in their craft that can hold various pieces of science equipment. Upon reaching their destination, players can deploy equipment to monitor and collect data through assorted methods and relay it back to Kerbin, the Kerbals’ home planet. One scientific instrument, the active seismometer, even tasks players to deliberately crash contraptions into a celestial body to gather seismic data!


“The creativity of the KSP community is something that never ceases to amaze us. Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Expansion is packed with content that we believe will add countless hours of fresh gameplay, as well as generate some incredible new craft designs from players. We can’t wait to see what they come up with,” said  Private Division executive producer Michael Cook.

Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Expansion also changes the experience players have when exploring celestial bodies. New surface features are scattered across planets throughout the solar system and can be scanned utilizing a new robotic arm attached to rovers. These surface features include cryovolcanoes, meteors, craters, and many more mysterious objects for players to investigate. Additionally, the expansion includes a new futuristic space suit for the Kerbals so they can travel space in style.