Italy pulls out of FICCI FRAMES 2020 amidst Coronavirus outbreak

The concerned authorities of FICCI FRAMES has announced their partner country for this year, Italy is not participating at the event due to the recent outbreak of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Italy. 

Hence, there won’t be any delegation from Italy in FICCI FRAMES 2020, which means no B2B meetings with Italy will be organised at the event. However, FICCI FRAMES 2020 will be on running on schedule at the date, time and venue decided earlier which is 18 to 20 March at Grand Hyatt, Mumbai.

Like every year, FICCI FRAMES 2020 will also be a three day global convention covering the entire gamut of Media and Entertainment (M&E) like Films, Broadcast (TV & Radio), Print Media, Digital Entertainment, Advertisement, Live Entertainment Events, Digital & New Media, Animation, Gaming, Visual Effects, and so on.

It is attended by nearly 2000 Indian and 800 foreign delegates encompassing the entire universe of media and entertainment. It attracts not only the industry stakeholders from across the world, but also the government policy makers from India and abroad.

FICCI generally comprises of more than 35 knowledge sessions, over 200 high profile speakers from across the world, country specific delegations, creative workshops & masterclasses, content & services market, pitching sessions, Shoot at Site, one to one business meetings, cultural evenings and the FICCI Best Animated Frames (BAF) Awards.