Two of Ireland’s premiere animation houses, Lighthouse Studios (The Bob’s Burgers Movie, The Cuphead Show, El Deafo, Little Ellen) and Dog Ears (Puffin Rock and the New Friends, Saturday Club) are partnering to co-produce an all-new children’s animated adventure series Stage Struck! for kids aged five to seven.
The 52 x 11’ episode series, which is based on Tor Freeman’s book, Showtime for Billie and Coco, is to be directed by Lighthouse Studios’ award-winning head creative Gilly Fogg (El Deafo, Bug Diaries), with a screenplay by Sian Ní Mhuirí (Royals Next Door). Lighthouse Studios managing director Claire Finn serves as executive producer with Dog Ears’ creative director John McDaid as co-producer.
“We are excited to work with the immense talent of Dog Ears to create this effervescent series that introduces kids to the performing arts from around the world. It promises to not only entertain but inspire creativity, and we look forward to introducing Stage Struck! to our industry at Cartoon Forum and MIP Junior,” stated Finn.
“With Stage Struck!, we are on a mission to spark a keen interest among children worldwide with all types of performing arts, which will hopefully encourage a love and passion for creativity in their years to come,” said McDaid. “We look forward to working with Claire, Gilly and the Lighthouse team, as well as our own amazing in-house talents to deliver a wonderful new series.”
“Everyone remembers the first time they stepped on stage to deliver their line in a school concert. Sian, Claire and I have all worked in the theatre and we know from experience that the performing arts can play a transformative role in a child’s life. Tor Freeman’s world of Showtime School is full of humour and kindness, and I’m excited that kids everywhere will see the fun and friendship of the performing arts in Stage Struck!” added Fogg.
The synopsis of the upcoming show to be directed by Fogg of El Deafo fame, reads: In Stage Struck!, creatures large and small, including Coco the crocodile and her friends, are welcomed to Showtime School, founded by the much-loved Miss Feathers. At Showtime School, everyday classes present extraordinary performance challenges!
In classrooms full of pianos and crash-mats, even the ‘normal’ subjects have a theatrical spin—from the history of puppetry to the science of sound waves! Showtime’s students get a taste of music, movement and razzle-dazzle from all over the world—drumming circles, beat-boxing, fox-trotting, monologues, card tricks, Beatniks and up-tempo Bhangra. Every day is a creative adventure!