Hans Ulrich Stoef sashays with ‘Toons 2 Tango’

Renowned kids’ entrepreneur Hans Ulrich Stoef (Ulli Stoef) has launched a new worldwide television production and distribution operation Toon 2 Tango GmbH & Co. KG.  Founded and headed by Hans Ulrich Stoef, former CEO of m4e and Studio 100 Media in Munich, Toon 2 Tango is poised for the international television market.

With offices in Munich, Toon 2 Tango will specialize in IP creation, development, production, distribution and brand building within the kids and family entertainment sector.  The new company will also look to co-financing and acquiring quality programming with strong international appeal.

Under the direction of Ulli Stoef, Toon 2 Tango will be positioned as a major worldwide operation across all children’s and family entertainments IP’s offering high quality content with strong story-telling and unique characters at its core.

Upon making the announcement of the company’s launch, Ulli Stoef commented, “This is an incredibly exciting venture to build Toon 2 Tango from the ground to a leading player in the field.  Working in the international television and movie arena for over 30 years, Toon 2 Tango represents a personal challenge and I am very pleased to continue working with my friends and network partners around the world.  I’m keen to utilize the vital and unique experience I have gained working in this great industry.  We want to explore, develop and produce new IP’s and help creative talent to open doors to commercial success”.

Ulli Stoef began his professional career in the toys and games sector with German games publisher Schmidt Spiele and held several positions thereafter including Managing Director and shareholder at Universal Studios Consumer Products Merchandising GmbH and CTM Concept-TV & Merchandising GmbH, Chief Executive Officer and founder at m4e AG.  He became Chief Executive Officer of Studio 100 Media in 2017 when Studio 100 Group, Belgium acquired a majority stake in m4e.  He was also Chairman of the Group Content Committee.

As a producer and brand builder he was responsible for many brands, including Mia and MeHuntikHow and Why TVWissper, Tim Thaler and Tip the Mouse.  Ulli Stoef also had a hand in various brands, including the hit franchise Mia and MeWinx Club, Monster Allergy, Sitting Ducks, Digimon, Dragonball Z and Hamtaro which were created and/or co-produced /or imported and managed by him and his team at m4e AG and CTM.