Google isn’t aiming to run a beta test for its Stadia gaming service

All the game lovers might be counting days for the upcoming cloud gaming platform Google Stadia’s November launch. But unfortunately Google has disclosed that there will not be any beta test in route according to GamesRadar’s interaction with Google’s vice president and head of Stadia Phil Harrison.

However, enthusiasts can approach for the pre-order access to the cloud gaming service – but signing up for a beta test will not be possible anymore.

“We are not going to do another test in the UK or Europe.If we had time we probably would have done so, but we don’t need to says Harrison. ”

The catch is one will not get a chance to try before one buy it – one have to trust that Stadia is going to work on with the available internet connection and hardware when one spend on it.

Adding to that in a different interview, Harrison says he expects broadband data caps in the US to increase or disappear altogether so that Stadia gamers can stream interrupted.

For a $10 monthly fee, one will able to get access to a selection of games as part of their subscription, and in 4K as well. However certain top-tier titles are going to cost  extra; the free version, with lower resolutions, will launch next year.

The only way to get into Google Stadia at the moment is to pre-order the Founder’s Edition for $129 direct from Google. As yet there don’t appear to be any plans to launch the gaming service in Australia.

He also confirmed if games were pulled from the Stadia library, they’d still be available to those who had purchased them. Are you planning to opt for stadia? What are your thoughts do share it with us!