Google blends into the Olympic spirit with some fruitful games

With the Olympic cheers gripping the globe, everyone is getting into a sporty mood. As many prominent brands can be seen joining the bandwagon of moulding into the theme of the Olympics 2016 which is being held at Rio de Janerio, Google did not get left behind. The digital giant has come up with some pretty indulging minigames reflecting some of the sports genres of the Olympics.

But there’s a juicy twist in these games. The participants of the games are various fruits and berries. When you click on today’s Google Doodle, it takes you directly to the video and hovering the pointer over it gives you information as where to play.

If you are on your phone, just tapping the Google Doodle logo will take you into the sporty games. Google will be featuring a brand new interactive doodle over the Google app on iOS and Android every day; for the next seven days and they hope you will find these fruits ‘aPEELing’.

We found around seven games wherein one had a strawberry running a race against some other goofy looking fruits, while being chased by a merrily rolling melon; another has a coconut riding a bike; one with a grape sitting on a spider trying to clear the hurdle race through all sides (you’ll know what we mean). You can also play tennis as a pineapple and if you lose, the poor fruit gets sliced, it’s fun though. There’s also an apple and a blueberry game and yes! a swimming lemon too.

Though the graphic of the game is quite simplistic, the cute fruits, clean design with an uncomplicated gameplay can surely be addicting and something to pass your time with.

Clearly, Google is winning at the Olympic themed content. Go fruits!