GLAS Animation Festival reveals 2019 nominations for Competition Selections

The 2019 GLAS Animation Festival is on its way and after receiving more than 3400 submissions, festival organisers have announced the official competition selections, as well as selections for Children’s Competition, U.S. Competition, and International Showcase.

The fourth annual event takes place from 21 to 24 March 2019 in Berkeley, California.

The full list of selections is shown below:

Competition Selections

32-Rbit by Victor Orozco Ramirez
A Fly in the Rstaurant by Xi Chen
Acid Rain by Tomek Popakul
Agouro by David Doutel and Vasco Sa
Agua Viva by Alexa Lim Haas
Apart by Diana Cam Van Nguyen
Between Us Two by Wei Keong Tan
Beware the Intuition by Robin Courtel
Bloeistraat 11 by Nienke Deutz
Ce Gout en Bouche by Laura Passalacqua
Chimera by Caleb Wood
Currents by Xinyi Zhu
DON’T KNOW WHAT by Thomas Renholder
Egg by Martina Scarpelli
Egg Touching by Peter Millard
Embraced by Justine Vuylsteke
Fest by Nikita Diakur
Good Intentions by Anna Mantzaris
Grands Canons by Alain Biet
Half Asleep by Caibei Cai
Hedge by Amanda Bonaiuto
How Steel Was Tempered by Igor Grubic
III by Marta Pajek
I’m Going Out for Cigarettes by Osman Cerfon
Les lèvres gercées by Kelsi Phung
Like Us, Lovers by Dotan Moreno
Mr. Deer by Mojtaba Mousavi
Museum Guard by Alexander Gratzer
Nothing Happens by Michelle and Uri Kranot
On Ambition, Courtship, & Reproduction by Pernille Kjaer
Paper Trail by Jake Fried
Per Tutta la Vita by Roberto Catani
Roughhouse by Jonathan Hodgson
Slug Life by Sophie Koko Gate
Solar Walk by Réka Bucsi
Take the Five by Conner Griffith
La Chute by Boris Labbé
The Night of the Plastic Bags by Gabriel Harel
The Sister’s Bedroom by Claire Brognez
Winners Bitch by Sam Gurry
Your Eyes Will I Ever by Félicien Colmet Daâge

International Showcase

Adorable by Cheng-Hsu Chung
Finity Calling by Jasper Kuipers
Floreana by Louis Morton
Giant Bear by Daniel Gies and Neil Christopher
I’m Ok by Elizabeth Hobbs
Live a little by Jenny Jokela
OBON by Andre Hormann and Anna Samo
Raymonde and the Vertical Landscape by Sarah Van Den Boom
Reruns by Rosto
Rhizoma by Santiago Pérez Rodríguez
Sahara Palace by Zélie Durand-Khalifat
Sounds Good by Sander Joon
The Missing Pig by Cecilia Corzo
Untravel by Nicolas Keppens, Matthias Phlips
Wildebeest by Nicolas Keppens and Matthaias Plips

Family Competition

ATHLETICUS: Gardien de Gymnase by Nicolas Deveaux
But Jane Was Deaf by Tobias Rud
Cloudy by Zuzana Cupova, Filip Diviak
Dum dee bolala dum by Peter Millard
Fire in Cardboard City by Phil Brough
Flipped by Hend Esmat, Lamiaa Diab
Goldie by Emily Brundige
Hedgehog by Vaibhav Keswani, Jeanne Laureau, Colombine Majou, Morgane Mattard, Kaisa Pirttinen, Jong-ha Yoon
Hors Piste by Leo Brunel, Loris Cavalier, Camille Jalabert, Oscar Malet
KO Scotty by Thee Khanthavit
Kuap by Nils Hedinger
Little Red Riding Hood by Martina Hocova
Lost and Found by Andrew Goldsmith & Bradley Slabe
Mushroom Park by Timothy Rauch
My Best Friend Explodes by Will Anderson and Ainslie Henderson
Night Moves by Falk Schuster
Pops & Branwell by Aleks Sennwald, Pete Toms
Pre School Poets by Nancy Kangas, Josh Kun
Stuffed by Élise Simoulin, Édouard Heutte, Clotilde Bonnotte, Anna Komaromi, Marisa Di Vora Peixoto, Helena Bastioni
Teofrastus by Sergei Kibus
The Bird & the Whale by Carol Freeman

U.S. Competition

Albatross Soup by Winnie Cheung
Ballerina by Steven Subotnick
Bike Trip by Tom Schroeder
Flora by Chaerin Im
Guidance by David Delafuente
Guster by John Kelley
No Man is an Island by Jack Wedge
Prist by Eric Ko
Random Thoughts by Steven Vander Meer
Reverie by Henry McClellan
Solipsism by Tuna Bora & Jonathan Djob Nkondo
Sparky by xinbaonuzi
Sun Zoom Spark by Gina Kamentsky
The Backwards Astronomer by Jacob Nelson
The Trick by Andrea Nakhla
Wayside by Angela Stempel