Gaming industry set for a fillip as Dell continues heavy investments in gaming laptops; launches new products

As the gaming industry continues to grow seamlessly, gaming laptops have become a hotbed of investments for several tech companies.

The number of potential gamers is proliferating at an exponential rate, while there has also been a marked shift from conventional computers to game-centric laptops to enhance the gaming experience.

Seeing this as a massive business opportunity, tech behemoth Dell computers are flexing their financial muscle to launch brand new, high-tech laptops designed primarily for gaming.

Alienware, a subsidiary to Dell, have come up with a luxury of gaming laptops this year which is only set to foster the gaming industry. Products like ‘Alienware 15’, ‘Alienware 17’ and now the ‘Alienware Aurora R6’ all of which promise an unparalleled virtual reality experience backed with some cutting-edge technology have piqued the imagination of compulsive gamers.

Not only have they garnered rave reviews in the market but their sales figures are on an upward trajectory despite the exorbitant prices of the laptops.

Dell Consumer and Small Business Vice-president P.Krishnakumar said, “We are fulfilling the ultimate gaming experience through wider access and engagement with India’s gaming community. Dell has a definitive roadmap in this segment, making this the right time to expand our portfolio for a wider set of gamers”.

With Dell Alienware also coming up with high-performance Alienware Gaming Monitors, Advanced Gaming Keyboard, Pro-gaming Keyboard, Advanced Gaming Mouse and Elite Gaming Mouse, it seems that the Texas-based tech firm is going to have a lasting influence in this segment.

The gaming community is going to widen further in near future, so one can expect more high-quality portfolios from Dell and Alienware in the coming days.