Spring is Coming…the leak of the year, ‘Game of Thrones’ now online – illegally!

Game Of Thrones (GOT), the most popular and critically acclaimed show on HBO – which has been nominated for various prestigious awards and has a huge international fan base – is the recent addition to fall prey to rogue websites.

The show’s fifth season, which has been highly anticipated and got the harshest of critics drooling all over it, has been leaked all across the World Wide Web.

The first three episodes are already free to watch and up for download on various rogue sites like Torrentz; with a few reddit users claiming that additional three episodes will be coming by night fall.

“Winter is coming”, The most famous line used on this show is now being mocked as “Spring is coming” by fans all over the world, as already the first three episodes are available to them, with another three set to follow soon.

The only disadvantage of this leak is that if the six leaked GOT episodes are consumed by fans right away, then the wait for the remainder of the four episodes leading to the climax will take at least seven weeks; unless of course the leak continues to play spoilsport for its makers.

Not too long ago Sony too faced the brunt of leaks, which led to them cancelling the theatrical release of The Interview starring Seth Rogan and James Franco.

This year on Game of Thrones, the dragons too are bigger and nastier – so the VFX crew bringing them to life had to come up with two new methods for portraying Drogon, the biggest of the bunch; including “the world’s largest fire-breathing crane.”

The Emmy-winning visual effects team-led by producer Steve Kullback and visual effects supervisor Joe Bauer – have used two new methods to bring him to life. The Drogon is twice the size he was last year and he gets to perform more this year than ever and have more complex interactions with Dany.