Feminine hygiene brand uses animation to show aspects of female sexuality and reproduction

Feminine hygiene brand Bodyform its new #Wombstories campaign mixes animation and live action to show aspects of female sexuality and reproduction that are still all too rarely addressed onscreen: miscarriage, menstrual bleeding, endometriosis, the decision not to have children, and more.

While the live-action segments show the women undergoing these pains and pleasures, the animated parts use symbolism to convey something of the subjective reality. The hybrid medium captures the duality of these processes, which are both bodily functions and emotional experiences.

Bodyform aims to continue the conversation around sexuality and women’s health with this activation. The objective of this campaign is not only to portray many realities in a more open and clear way. It also aims to empower the female audience to speak more openly about all of these issues.

From simple 2D drawings to more elaborate stop-motion videos, the video tries to paint a clear, but at the same time faithful, picture of some common women’s problems. There are six animated sequences in all, each created by a different team in a different medium (ranging from stop-motion puppetry to paint on glass).

The credited animators are Haein Kim, Carine Khalife, Salla Lehmus at Soja, Roos Mattaar, Kate Isobel Scott at Everyone Agency, Laura Jayne Hodkin at Strange Beast, Annie Wong, Aylin Ohri, Meagan Elemans, Molly Grace Lawton, Georgie Wilemore, Nella Addy.