VFX Epic Games Store to do partial refund if a game goes on sale soon after bring bought

Epic Games Store to do partial refund if a game goes on sale soon after bring bought

Epic Games Store is reportedly streamlining the process of returning and repurchasing a game—so the buyer can take advantage of a late-breaking discount—with a new automated system, which appears to have been rolled out without the usual fanfare.

News of this feature broke earlier today when Studio Mayday founder Joshua Boggs tweeted about his experience receiving a partial refund for a game whose price dropped after he purchased it.

This means that players will get the difference of what they would have saved had they bought the game during the sale. This along with the announcement that Epic Games will not charge developers royalty until their games hit $1 million in revenue is a step forward. Epic Game is definitely putting up a strong front in its competition with Steam to becomes the prefered platform on PC. Epic hasn’t detailed how recently you need to have purchased a game to be eligible for a partial refund, but VGC has asked it for more information.

The Epic Games Store recently launched its ‘Mega Sale’ featuring discounts of up to 75 per cent off selected titles until 11 June , including Control,Borderlands 3, and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. However, it is worth noting that this offer is only available through the Epic Games Store. Beyond this, the offer is only available for a week until 21 May.