DreamWorks Animation unveiled the heartwarming trailer for new holiday special DreamWorks Spirit of Christmas, based on its Emmy Award-winning series Spirit Riding Free. The trailer shows Katherine McNamara (Arrow, Shadowhunters) joining the cast of the holiday special as singing sensation Sally Jessup, in a heartfelt performance featuring original holiday songs.
DreamWorks Spirit Riding Free follows the journey of a wild mustang who could not be tamed.The series launched in May 2017, with 52 episodes currently available on Netflix and more to come in 2020. DreamWorks recently announced an untitled theatrical feature film based on the hit series is slated for release in 2021.
DreamWorks Spirit Riding Free: Spirit of Christmas also features the voice talents of Amber Frank (The Haunted Hathaways) as Lucky, Sydney Park (The Walking Dead) as Pru, Bailey Gambertoglio (Bubble Guppies) as Abigail, Darcy Rose Byrnes (The Young and the Restless) as Maricela, Nolan North (Deadpool) as Jim Prescott, Tiya Sircar (The Good Place) as Miss Flores, and Kari Wahlgren (DreamWorks Archibald’s Next Big Thing) as Aunt Cora.
DreamWorks Spirit Riding Free: Spirit of Christmas premieres on Netflix on 6 December.