Double Fine and Playables announce an experimental psychology game, ‘KIDS’

Double Fine’s publishing branch Double Fine Presents has partnered with Playables to publish its latest title KIDS as a part of a new partnership.

Describing KIDS as an experimental project about psychology, the final products are an interactive animation, short film and an exhibition; the interactive animation will come in form of a game and will be available on iOS, android, mac and PC sometime later.

The game allows players to move with or against crowds of other humanoid characters until everyone is gone.

“We couldn’t be happier to have KIDS as a part of our Double Fine Presents family” said Double Fine Presents vice president of business Greg Rice.

KIDS is the second collaboration of filmmaker Michael Frei and game designer and developer Mario von Rickenbach. The duo’s animated short Plug & Play received numerous awards from festivals including Cinanima, Fantoche, Encounters, Animage, AniFilm and Filmfest Dresden.

Double Fine on the other hand has launched many indie titles including Everything, Gang Beasts and GNOG, adding to their in-house developed games like Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin and Full Throttle Remastered.

“We’re huge fans of Playables’ work and in absolute awe of the thoughtfulness they’ve brought to KIDS, resulting in one of the most artistic statements we’ve seen in games in a long while,” Rice added.