Cosmos-Maya to launch brand new show ‘Smarty Pants Eric’ at MIPCOM 2019

Cosmos-Maya has announced to be launching its brand new animated series Smarty-Pants Eric at MIPCOM 2019, showcasing the pilot episode at MIPCOM Junior.

 The 52 x 11’ slice-of-life comedy series targeted at four to nine year olds is available in all major languages worldwide. In fact, Cosmos-Maya is already in closing stages of discussions with a leading Pay TV network for broadcast rights to the show in South Asia and South East Asia, yet to be announced.

Commenting on the launch, Cosmos-Maya CEO Anish Mehta said, “Children over the years are getting older faster. Each generation is smarter than the preceding one. With the proliferation of digital platforms, children have access to a variety of quality content and this exposure is in principle making them sharper and more mature. I hope that the relatable Smarty-Pants Eric will resonate with kids with its slice-of-life, familiar familial content.”

Smarty-Pants Eric is the eponymous story of the quick-witted eight year old, Eric. Each episode revolves around Eric going about his day, sporting his trademark mischievous demeanor. He is a super intelligent child who is also a little naughty and uses his enhanced sense of tactfulness to get out of sticky situations and eventually always emerges on top. Eric, however, never goes overboard with his shenanigans, making his character very endearing.

Cosmos-Maya SVP development and current projects as well as the creator of the show, Dheeraj Berry noted, “A lot of the animation in Smarty-Pants Eric is about opening the boundaries of your imagination. The biggest creative challenge we faced was to design the characters such that they look endearing and relatable, and yet cut across geographies. The situations are universal, but the moments are personal.”

Cosmos-Maya  SVP revenue and corporate strategy Devdatta Potnis added, “Cosmos-Maya has banked on fresh concepts and narratives when creating this new show. Smarty-Pants Eric has unique, yet universal storytelling, very much in line with our dictum of ‘Novelty with Familiarity’. Hence, we are confident that at MIPCOM, our endearing Eric will strike an emotional chord with buyers.”