Coronavirus outbreak: Esports tournament WESG APAC finals cancelled

WESG has announced that the Asia-Pacific Finals have been cancelled amid China’s coronavirus outbreak.

The organisers have announced that, “The disease known as the coronavirus is becoming an epidemic. In an attempt to limit international travel in order to control the spread of the coronavirus, we are announcing the cancellation of the WESG APAC Final. ”

This comes after the Chinese government advised people against travelling to Wuhan, after the Coronavirus pandemic killed 17 people and infected over 500.

Although WESG has not yet release any information about the new dates or the location of the event, with further details expected after this week’s Lunar New Year celebrations.

The WESG APAC Finals will feature a total of 16 teams, determined by national and regional qualifiers that were held between October and December. The team list for the event is the following: