Clash of two e-commerce titans

When Flipkart came up with the The Big Billion Sale, little did it expect to compete with its ferocious rival Snapdeal, taking a dig at it on its big day. SnapDeal in today’s morning newspaper had the front page advertisement announcing Jaw Dropping Offers every hour in an attempt to play spoil sport to Flipkart’s big day. Snapdeal mocked Flipkart claiming “For others it is a big day. For us today is no different. Check before you buy.” Flipkart has the ad in the same paper but on the last page. Tongue in cheek but everything is fair here, right?

So why 6th October one may ask, well, there is a story behind this as well – for in a certain flat number 610, Flipkart co-founders Sachin and Binny Bansal started this multi-billion venture seven years ago with a dream of making it a big property. They wanted to celebrate this occasion by bringing alive their customer’s dreams with the biggest sale of the year and giving away products at slashed prices. Flipkart has partnered with a number of vendors to provide products at eye-popping prices with a strong 10,000 field staff promising the delivery on time.

Flipkart has worked on the website to provide smooth transaction and taken precautions to ensure the site does not crash, like when the Xiaomi phone sale led to it in the near past. It has fixed the bugs and updated the database to provide full customer satisfaction, so that the customers enjoy their shopping on the said date.  Among the most sought after sale products, the new Moto phones; i.e. Moto X (2nd gen) and Moto G (2nd gen) have been made available at an exchange price of Rs 8,000 and Rs 4000 lesser than the sale price respectively. The eluded Redmi 1S is too on sale today on the portal, with the promise of nearly 1,50,000 units; thus giving everyone a chance to get their hands on it. The apparels, home electronics, jewellery too are on sale with upto 55 per cent discount in each category. Also, new offers are popping up on the site every hour with previous products going out of stock within seconds.

It seems to be a field day for all potential customers as two competing sites are giving away desirable products at cheaper prices. Snapdeal is offering the coveted iPhone 5S Gold 16GB for Rs 24,999, half of what it actually costs in the market place. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 P3110 is going for a 10th of its price at Rs 1,390 with its actual cost being Rs 13,990. Snapdeal is offering exclusive offers every hour with products ranging from Electronics, Fashion and Home and it is also cleverly using the mobile medium to reach out to its potential customers. The Diwali Buy 1 get 1 offers have been on the website for quite a while now as well.

Another e-commerce giant Amazon is also jumping onto the bandwagon, with its ‘Mission to Mars Celebration Dhamaka’; where it is offering amazing deals throughout last weekend, with today being the last day and followed by its Diwali Sale commencing from 10th of this month on Amazon.

With the war on between the e-commerce giants, it’s the retail outlets that would be losing out on a few customers during this sale, but the common man is only jumping with joy as he is able to enjoy the luxuries that he once only dreamt of!