Beijing’s Light Chaser Animation released its first feature film’s trailer, Little Door Gods’ on 23 September this year.
The movie that is being distributed by Alibaba Picture group is the first film to receive backing from China’s Internet rivals Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent.
The movie is written and directed by Light Chaser founder Gary Wang, the Chinese web entrepreneur who started the video sharing site Tudou. A team of 160 people spent two-and-a-half years producing Little Door Gods, while the script went through 30 versions of modifications.
The film required 80 million CPU render hours and both the music and sound effects were produced in Dolby Atmos, a first for a domestic Chinese movie production. The movie also marks the first time that a Chinese animation studio has worked with Skywalker Sound.
The movie revolves around story of two traditional “Door Gods” facing unemployment in the spirit world. One of them crosses over into the human world to do something big and to prove his value. The movie which will open in mainland China cinemas on 1 January, 2016, preceded by a 36-city roadshow in Qingdao, Changchun, Changzhou, Zhengzhou, Kunming, Foshan, and Taiyuan starting on 3 October.