Casual Connect Europe 2018 to get gaming from 29 to 31 May

Casual Connect Europe 2018 is set to take place at The Queen Elizabeth II Centre in London, UK from 29 to 31 May.

1800 games industry professionals and 150 executives and experts will gather at the deal making event where creativity meets business.

At Casual Connect Europe 2018, one will have unlimited access to the Pitch and Match meeting system to network with games industry professionals, along with access to three days of lectures, official networking parties, and 100 of the world’s best indie games with developers. The venue will also feature a large expo area where you can talk one-on-one with industry-leading companies like Appodeal, Product Madness, Vungle, Mopub, Game Insight, Aarki, Applovin, Phunware, G5, App Samurai, GamePoint, KamaGames, IronSource, Unity and many more.

Attendees will be able to learn from panels and presentations – featuring experts from Zynga, Sports Interactive Netmarble, Small Giant Games, Space Ape Games, Epic Games, London Venture Partners, Oculus, Playtika, Murka, Disruptor Beam, Unity Technologies, Flaregames, NaturalMotion, FGL and Creative Mobile only being a short list of featured speakers. Stay tuned for further announcements!

For Developers

Submit your game for the international Indie Prize London 2018 scholarship program before 31 March. More details in the submission form Join industry leaders as an established developer with Developer showcase


Casual Connect brings together the most talented and knowledgeable experts in the gaming field to further the industry with the best learning and networking opportunities for gaming professionals since 2005 four times every year. See the full schedule of Casual Connect events for 2018 at

One can register for conference pass before prices go up on 30 April here: