One of Cartoon Network’s popular animated series in the US is all set to make inroads in India. Starting 9 March, Teen Titans Go! will be airing at the 7:00 pm slot on Cartoon Network.
The show follows the comedic adventures of young heroes based on DC Comics fictional superhero team the Teen Titans that was adapted into a show for the channel between 2003 and 2006 with the same name. It follows five teens Robin, Beast Boy, Starfire, Raven and Cyborg that are living without parental supervision as they deal with various hilarious situations. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, Teen Titans Go!, is an extension of the earlier series.
On Cartoon Network India, it will come in place of Haddi Mera Buddy’s re-run and will air from Monday to Friday.
The show has done well with boys in the US. The first series of 52 episodes originally aired in the US in 2013 and high ratings encouraged the makers to bring out the second season in 2014. Outside of the US, the series has aired in Canada, UK and Ireland.