VFX 'Batman: The Animated Series' introduces Deathstroke

‘Batman: The Animated Series’ introduces Deathstroke

Batman: The Adventures Continue takes place in the DC Animated Universe, and it’s meant to serve as a continuation of Batman: The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures. The latest chapter introduced Slade Wilson to the world of DC Animated Universe. Batman: The Adventures Continue chapter three introduced Deathstroke in the first part of the new storyline Mentors.

Ty Templeton in an interview said, “Deathstroke is one of DC’s enduring hero/villains. I’ve always loved his design and his history with the Titans, which makes him part of Dick Grayson’s history, which makes him part of the Bat-World. Slade is kind of a ‘Batman-but-with-guns’ type of character, only with a very different moral code. That kind of tension, where characters have different approaches to similar problems, is always a fun undercurrent to play with.”

Batman: The Adventures Continue chapter three is available now on Comixology. It will be released in print as part of Batman: The Adventure Continues #2 in June.