VAM Batman rocks a new heavy suit -

Batman rocks a new heavy suit

Batman is all set to chase Mr. Freeze in this week’s Detective Comics #1013. This face-off has been simmering since this arc began and the new equipment The Dark Knight brought along for this latest battles shows that he isn’t playing around. He’s been after Freeze since he got back in the picture a couple of issues ago. Now, is the time to finishing things before the villain can give way to his latest plan to thaw out his wife

While chasing down Dr. Fries down, it becomes apparent that Batman is going to need a little extra firepower to battle his enemy. That’s when comes a radical new armor designed to give The Caped Crusader an edge in the event he has to come into contact with Mr. Freeze’s wealth of gadgets designed to chill out anyone who stands in his way. The Freeze armor is not a new idea for the Batman mythos, as he’s used the basic tenets before in other costumes, but this new one is pretty out there.

Have a look :-

Batman suit
(Photo: DC Entertainment)

Beginning with that visor, the extended range of motion helps Batman pay attention to all threats coming from most angles. The padding and surrounding armor will nullify the chilling effects that this particular rogue presents. The flamethrower The Dark Knight is wielding is probably the most effective weapon against a bad guy like Mr. Freeze, but it serves multiple purposes here. To both fight offensively, and to provide a heat source in case he falls victim to the ice.

Let us know how you liked the new suit.