The Association of International Du Film D’ Animation, is a professional body, recognized by UNESCO, devoted to developing films in animation both as an art and also as an effective means of communication. ASIFA today enjoys a representation from over 55 countries, and has been operational since 2001 and has been getting very good turnouts in various community building programs.
Asifa India is the chapter of Asifa International in India and has had a successful journey of over 15 years and 55 years internationally. Asifa India recently reformulated its board with Bill Dennis continuing as Chairman Emeritus; Seshaprasad A.R stepped up as the President and Rama Krishna Polina works in the capacity of vice president. Saraswathi Balgam continues to support the organisation as a mentor & advisor.
“The major attractions of this year’s IAD is to bring an art festive mood among all the studios & academies in celebrating in a gala mode in the form of campus decorations, fun-filled activities etc. We have created an online platform where you can share your celebrations and compete with the fellow artists, studios and academies among their groups state-wide as well as nationwide in the given verticals. On this occasion, most of the enthusiastic talents will unleash their creativity during the talent hunt programs,” reads a statement from Asifa India.
The leadership is committed to continue creating exposure to the student community and provide opportunities for them to interface with industry professionals. Asifa India will continue to conduct events, workshops & CG meet-up in India. Some of the main goals would be to try and bridge the gap between the training schools & the industry and to recognise the best animation and VFX work done in India through the Awards of Excellence. The nominated films of the awards of excellence will continue to be showcased in several international Asifa chapters and also in film festivals globally.
28 October was proclaimed as International Animation Day (IAD), commemorating the first public performance of Emile Reynaud’s Theatre Optique at the Grevin Museum in Paris in 1892. Each year, ASIFA groups around the world celebrate International Animation Day and ASIFA India celebrates the same in a few cities around India.