Anticipation and Expectations turn DC fans restless for ‘Suicide Squad’

‘We’re the bad guys, this is what we do’. But, who is behind the bad guys? Just like there is always a supreme power who makes his pawns dance to his tunes, the bad guys of the Suicide Squad are used as ‘Puppets’ by a mean lady master.

DC’s most awaited upcoming live action movie Suicide Squad is just around the corner as Warner Bros. Pictures has released another sneak peek focusing on the mastermind behind the whole squad.

Amanda Waller played by Viola Davis aims to build a team of bad people who can do some good. But, why does she do that? What good will the bad guys do and why? All of it has a blunt answer as Waller claims, “All you need to know is that you work for me.”

The video features all the nine superheroes of the squad in various action sequences. Well, it does not miss out on the much anticipated antagonist Joker. Warner Bros. Pictures has played a smart strategy as it revealed the introduction of the characters in a gripping way with both its previous trailers.

While the first trailer introduced the characters, the second trailer spiked up the excitement for the film at an extraordinary level. With this recent video, the anticipation is given a further push as the mastermind hooks on your curiosity to know the story behind the film.

So, there is nothing new as such in this video but definitely it makes you restless to wait for 5 August, 2016 when the Suicide Squad hits theatres.