The animated shows from Fox Entertainment have won many hearts for years, providing everyone with a good dose of humour. After all who has not cracked up at the quirky one-liners from Hank Hill or laughed heartily at the comic statements of Peter Griffin. While they were all great as individual properties, bringing them together would just mean a treat for the fans. Now, from the recent announcements, it seems that all the animated shows from Fox Entertainment are coming together to create one single game (Except The Simpsons, which already has its own game).
Fox Digital Entertainment and Kongregate, GameStop’s mobile and web games publishing wing have announced that, they will be releasing a collectible card game called, Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards which will have characters from all the above mentioned series. Players will be able to collect different cards which will feature the beloved characters and eventually build a deck and challenge other players for battles.
“We are thrilled to bring together these five animated comedies for the first time in Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards,” said Kongregate, president and co-founder, Emily Greer. “We are looking forward to integrating characters from these hit series in a unique and exciting way that fans of all the shows will really love.”
Marketing the game seems to be not much of an effort for the developers and partners as Fox Digital Entertainment can look forward to its huge fan base and GameStop can easily rely on physical presence throughout coupled with the monthly visitor reach of Kongregate’s website.
Kongregate will be collaborating with Chicago-based Synapse Games and San Francisco-based Chinzilla Games for the development of the product. The game would be initially released over iOS and Android during this year’s Q3. No details about the gameplay has been revealed as of yet.
It seems to be quite a promising turn, as consumers will relate much more to the characters as the shows are already popular, even people who are not so fond of games might give it a try owing to the same reason.