An emotional reunion: Human Torch and The Thing of Fantastic Four to come together in Marvel Legacy

Although Marvel Legacy is still a long way from hitting the comic book stands, the cornucopia of posters released by Marvel Comics have given us a hint of what is in store for the anxiously waiting fans.

The Marvel comic franchise’s reboot blows the winds of change over several of its core superheroes as the American comic publishing giant goes back to its roots.

So while there are speculations about Thor’s demise and the return of the Ghost Rider after Marvel released posters teasing the same, another riveting revelation to come to the fore was that of Human Torch and The Thing reuniting.

The swashbuckling duo of Fantastic Four are all set to hog the same storyline after a gap of over two years in Marvel’s revamped edition of Marvel Two-in-One.

Back in 2015, when the superhero team marked a forlorn return to the big screen in a reboot of the franchise, the makers decided to cut themselves some slack with the cancellation of a second edition of the comic book. However, the recent poster released by Marvel Legacy suggests a homecoming of the depleted team, albeit in a fraction.

Marvel Senior Vice-president of Publishing Tom Brevoort said, “There was no Thor book for a couple of years. And when Thor came back, it was a big event. Granted, he came back on the cusp of the wave of Civil War, but really, [J. Micharl Straczynski] and Olivier Coipel put that character back on the map in a big way, and the sales showed it.

Really, the same sort of thing is true of all the characters. And again, Fantastic Four is no different.”

The last time a comic version of Fantastic Four was out, Mr.Fantastic and Invisible Woman, along with their kids, departed the planet Earth. And it seems they aren’t returning to the scene in Legacy.