Asian gaming ecosystem Ampverse and Indian non-banking financial company DMI Finance have unveiled the launch video of their IP College Rivals, an esports series.
This upcoming series will comprise esports tournaments, mentorship from accomplished professional players, influencer engagements, musical interludes and intensive training camps for players. College Rivals will travel across various cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune and Mumbai to handpick top-tier players from each location, and conclude with a Grand Finale event in Mumbai in early 2024.
The objective of this initiative is to nurture emerging gaming talent within India, cultivating a spirited and inclusive college community, according to Ampverse and DMI Finance. Ampverse CSO Charlie Baillie said, “Extensive strategic efforts from both DMI and Ampverse teams have culminated in our exciting first new venture, dedicated to providing exceptional gaming experiences and a platform to identify the best talent within the Indian college esports community.”
DMI Finance co-founder and joint managing director Shivashish Chatterjee said, “We firmly believe that esports is a significant part of the future of both competitive and spectator sports in India. The journey of esports to the mainstream of competition and entertainment promises to be exhilarating, and DMI is committed to supporting this evolution to the fullest extent.”
Alongside College Rivals, the two companies have unveiled Gaming Truck – an immersive gaming experience across the campuses of Delhi’s colleges. This gaming truck will consist an array of gaming stations paired with a DJ setup. The Gaming Truck will be travelling 5000 kilometres, charting its course through five cities – Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune and Hyderabad as a part of its journey.