Activision :’Modern Warfare’ outspaces all previous ‘Call of Duty’ multiplayer experiences

Activision has revealed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has become the most played Call of Duty multiplayer in this console generation.

Modern Warfare has outpaced all previous Call of Duty multiplayer experiences of this generation in hours played, hours per player and average daily players on its way to becoming the most played Call of Duty multiplayer in the first 50 days since launch in six years.

“The momentum for Modern Warfare from day one has been incredible. Players are having a great time and are continuing to engage across the multiplayer experience at the highest level in years. We’re also seeing new franchise highs for this console generation in hours played, hours per player and average daily players. It’s great to see the fan response to the hard work from our development teams led by Infinity Ward. Players are having a great time, and there’s much more to come as we continue to deliver new content,” said Call of Duty, Activision executive vice president and general manager for Byron Beede.

Activision also claimed that through November 2019, Modern Warfare became the top-selling premium game of 2019 in the US. The game has made more than $1 billion and has went beyond 500 million multiplayer hours played since it first came out. Both the retail and digital copies of the game have been taken into account while calculating the revenue. The total tally of the number of multiplayer matches played stands close to about 300 million multiplayer matches. The sales figures are based on retail customer sell-through information and Activision data and estimates.

Upon release, the title featured a series of firsts for Call of Duty, including crossplay and cross-progression support, as well as the removal of Season Pass and delivery of new post-release content coming free to all players on all platforms.