Arena Animation, Asia‘s leading institute of Animation and Multimedia education with a market share of 63%, achieved the impressive feat of having trained 2,00,000 students.
Arena, which started with 10 centres in 1996, grew to 130 centres in 2006 spanning 15 countries. With a modest beginning of enrolling 500 students in its first year of operation, Arena has trained over 2, 00,000 students in a decade. Arena placed over 3000 students in 2006 in animation and other allied multimedia roles in leading organizations engaged in this business.
Says Pramod Khera, CEO & MD, Aptech Ltd. ” Arena‘s success can be attributed to it‘s consistent reinvention to keep up with the ever changing requirements of the industry, it‘s focus on the course content, execution, placements and it‘s innovative marketing strategies and above all it‘s commitment to the students.”
To bridge the industry-academia gap, Arena introduced Diploma in Animation Engineering Program in 2006. A two year intensive program involving comprehensive training on both 2D & 3D animation is designed specifically as per the industry requirements.
Last year, Arena developed a unique industry interface for the students by launching PERSPECTIVES – a series of contact programs, wherein Industry Experts are invited to interact with the students, thus giving the students an exposure to industry trend and requirements and for the speaker to understand how they can fulfill their requirement for manpower in Animation & Multimedia.
Arena was honored with ‘Franchise Growth Driver of the Year Award‘ at the ‘India Franchise Awards 2007‘ which recognized the new initiatives introduced by the brand which revolutionized the industry and resulted in increased growth for the franchise.