Thanos enters the realm of man in the latest trailer of ‘Avengers: Infinity War’

After years of colossal fighting between good and evil, the Avengers finally prepare for an all out war against Thanos. The brutal villain commands an atrocious army set for global invasion, whilst having two of the five infinity stones at his disposal. The defenders of earth in the likes of like Dr. Strange, The Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther and the original saviours from the previous Avengers movies are all set to defend the human realm.

The official trailer for Avengers: Infinity War dropped on 29 November dotted with numerous characters from the Marvel Universe. Thanos enters the world of man through a portal and breaks through a cloud of black smoke as Peter Parker witnesses this, his spidey senses tingle.

The Marvel villain is seen to be wearing light armour, which is different to the previous encounters where he was shown wearing bulky gold armour with a helmet. Though the infinity stones being placed in his mighty gauntlet with sharp rays of coloured light emission, makes him look like a force to be reckoned with. The short trailer   concludes with the Avengers attacking as one, leading a humongous army into battle with a thrilling battle cry. The very end of the trailer ends with Thor on space ship that belongs to the Guardians of the Galaxy, which involves Groot as a teenager.

Marvel seems to have outdone themselves with this team up, giving fans something to look forward to in the coming year. Avengers: Infinity War has been directed by Anthony Russo, Joe Russo and the movie is slated to release in May 2018.