Nintendo reveals its new portable console codenamed Switch

After almost a year and a half that it was announced, Nintendo has finally revealed its upcoming home console. Codenamed ‘Switch’ (which was earlier dubbed as ‘NX’), the console was revealed with a small video over YouTube and it pretty much gives a person the basic idea about the consoles while also providing glimpsed of some games that would be playable in it.

The console was announced way back in March of 2015. As it was being highly speculated, the console is a hybrid of a home/portable console. The controller can be connected to a TV for home use and the controller’s sides can be shifted and it becomes a portable controller. Thus it enables a player to play the same game, in any chosen mode.  No hardware specifications of the console have been revealed.

Some of the games which were shown being played on the console are The Legend of Zelda, Mario Kart, a brand new Super Mario game, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Splatoon. Nintendo had already announced that the new Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be released over the new platform, Switch (previously known as NX).

Nintendo’s Wii U, which was launched back in 2012, did not go as expected and quickly was overshadowed by the likes of PlayStation 4. The new console seems like a powerful one as it shows open world games being played on a mobile device and also sports multiplayer functions.

More details would come in as the scheduled release of the game is in 2017. Let’s see what Nintendo has in store for us.