New characters and plot revelations feature in the recent ‘Finding Dory’ trailer

If you only know how tough the struggle is going to be, then you fear it. But, if you go out with a passion to accomplish your goal irrespective of the tonnes of milestones that you would have to face then the struggle makes sense and the mission seems to be worth it.

Friends, family, acquaintances portraying emotions and inspiration is what Finding Dory’s latest trailer is all about. A thorough mission of searching her own family, battle for survival and escape through unexpected hardships to reunite with her own folks, Dory takes up the risk to locate her family in the big wide world both above and under the sea.

With two trailers already released and now this third one gaining traction too, the plot of the film was has been revealed quite evidently. However, the distinct feature in this trailer is a child’s voice calling out of the darkness.

A bunch of new characters with slight variations in the plot, new lead throughs, new places to land, fresh environments and situations, this film has kind of similar story just like its prequel Finding Nemo (2003) but with its own distinct additions.

Disney Pixar has focussed on its USP of in depth storytelling by emotionally striking the right chord in the viewers. Apart from the emotional dominance, Pixar also aims to give out a strong message with a plethora of inspiring tales and quotes within this entire plot.

After 13 years of anticipation, Finding Dory will arrive in theatres on 17 June, 2016.