DC comic series ‘The Sandman’ to get a live-action treatment on Netflix

Neil Gaiman’s cult DC/Vertigo comic series The Sandman well reportedly get a live-action adaptation on the streaming giant Netflix.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Netflix has apparently signed a “massive financial deal” with Warner Bros. Television for the live-action adaptation, as some reports also claim that The Sandman will be the most television series that DC Entertainment will ever produce.

Originally published in 1989, the comic series features the Dream of the Endless, a powerful yet cruel supernatural sentient being which holds dominion over the world of dreams.

Created by Gaiman, Sam Keith and Mike Dringenberg, The Sandman ran for 75 issues since it’s release until 1996, whilst also becoming the first graphic novel at the time to feature on the New York Times best sellers list.

There have been previous attempts at bringing the comic series to the big screen, though none could materialise. In the 1990s, Warner Bros was said to have a movie version in development, though the project could never get off the ground and the idea was eventually scrapped in 2001. Then in 2010, producer James Mangold pitched the idea of a television series to HBO, which too didn’t see the light of the day.

Neither Netflix nor Warner Bros have disclosed any details about The Sandman‘s release date or the number of episodes just yet.