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‘Raji: An Ancient Epic’ will release on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on 15 October

Raji: An Ancient Epic will release on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on 15 October, making it a whole two months after Raji launched on Switch. The release date was confirmed in the game’s recent Gamescom trailer that showed off more of the Ancient India setting and Raji‘s combat.

The title was shown off during the latest Nintendo Indie World presentation that took place recently. The game dropped following the showcase where many people downloaded and have since given positive thoughts.

Raji: An Ancient Epic is a narratively driven third person action adventure game. You play as Raji, the titular character, who is attempting to save her brother Golu who has been abducted by Gadasura demons. From that moment forward Raji single-handedly wages war against demonic forces in an attempt to save her brother—and, as it turns out, the world.

The title was originally a part of the Square Enix Collective that helped support indie projects become a reality, but that partnership may have set sail sometime since then as is now the publisher. Raji: An Ancient Epic is currently on sale $22.49 on the Nintendo eShop and is releasing on Xbox One, PS4, and PC via Steam for $24.99.

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