Post Office Studios teams up with NODWIN Gaming and Riot Games to animate music video for Valorant Conquerors Championship 2022 anthem

Mumbai-based animation and new media tech studio, Post  Office Studios, has collaborated with NODWIN Gaming and Riot Games to create an animated music video for the Valorant Conquerors Championship (VCC) 2022 anthem. 

The anthem for the second iteration of the VCC 2022, ‘Nahi Hora Kya’ written and performed by Seedhe Maut and composed by Sez On The Beat, both avid Valorant players themselves, has a vibrant,  youthful and upbeat tone. Calling out to the Valorant gaming community across South Asia and  stirring excitement for the VCC event—where the video game enthusiasts meet and compete—the hip-hop track expresses the spirit of gaming powerfully and impactfully. 

With a compelling storyline for the music video, the talented collective of designers, animators and visual effects artists at Post Office Studios had their work cut out to translate it into a multicultural  moving image by depicting key Valorant champions and symbols representing the game. 

The animated video showcases the four renowned South Asian Valorant players—SK Rossi, HSB, SSSAMI, HIKKA from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, respectively, busy in their mundane  lives. However, they are drawn towards a wild and adventurous chase for The Spike and eventually  shown rushing through diverse terrain challenges for an ultimate faceoff. 

Post Office Studios CCO and co-founder and chief director for the project Aditya Tawde said, “Team NODWIN approached us in December 2021 to create a music video for Valorant’s catchy anthem, and we were excited about this opportunity! The entire process was a thrilling journey—from designing characters that closely represent their real-life counterparts while matching their gaming  personality to ensuring that the shot breakdowns do justice to the overall concept. Besides, since this  was a mammoth project with 75 shots to animate, we knew Toonz would be the best fit and working  asynchronously with them helped us maintain consistency on the video. Plus, having the right processes,  meeting cadence, and communication eventually helped us through the challenges without  compromising the end result! Moreover, this project saw all the teams collaborate passionately, promoting the kind of unity we see amongst Valorant fans and players.” 

Creative director and consultant for the project Vishal Shekar said, “It felt surreal when Sukhmani  from NODWIN approached me to chalk down a concept note for the VCC tournament. I have been an ardent gamer for years, and I never imagined my love for gaming and passion for filmmaking would  lead me to this exciting project. I was extremely thrilled to be a part of it. Our video concept was built around the idea of showing a gamer evolve from Iron to Radiant level, and the core theme was to showcase a gamer’s never-backing-out attitude.” 

“Our thought was so skilfully executed by Aditya and Tintu from Post Office Studios in such a short span  that it’s really commendable. The video wouldn’t have been so well-appreciated without their effort. And  last but not least, the real charm lies in the great composition by Seedhe Maut and Sez. Their lyrics have  taken the video to the next level and made it so relatable for the Valorant community. It was truly the  most enjoyable and one of a kind project,” he further added. 

NODWIN Gaming head of content Sukhmani Singh mentioned, “Post Office Studios proved to be great partners for NODWIN to bring on board for this animated anthem, which was a first in the country! The team not only worked through some crazy timelines and pressure to make this a reality but also ensured that the quality and design of the film did not suffer. I look forward to working with them again.” 

India’s hip-hop scene and gaming industry have seen rapid exponential growth. Innovatively playing at its intersection through this new project, Post Office Studios intends to strengthen its footing as a  leading design studio to turn ideas into motion with passion and cutting-edge technology.