Netflix expands gaming initiative, to beta test games on TVs and PCs

Netflix is expanding its gaming initiative, with plans to test games on certain televisions and computers. The company’s vice president of games, Mike Verdu, described these developments in a blog post.

The streaming giant is launching a limited beta test for a small group of subscribers in Canada and the UK in order to increase game accessibility. Starting Monday, the test will be available on certain TVs, and in the coming weeks, it will be available on PCs and Macs via Netflix on supported browsers.

The initial testing phase will include games like Oxenfree by Night School studio and Molehew’s Mining Adventure by Netflix Game Studio. TV users may play the games through their phones, while PC and Mac users can play the games on Netflix website with a keyboard and mouse.

Netflix announced that the games on TV will work on devices from the company’s early partners, including Amazon Fire TV Streaming Media Players, Chromecast with Google TV, Roku devices and others. “By expanding game availability to various devices, our aim is to enhance the gaming experience for our members worldwide,” Verdu said.