Mobile RPG ‘Code Atma’ celebrates year-end with new events

As 2021 comes to a close, Indonesian-made mobile RPG Code Atma is turning up the festivities with a series of new events. A brand new Atma by the name of Melanta will also hand out presents and diamonds to Seekers. 

Starting on 24 December 2021 and running until 5 January 2022, there are two new dungeons available: Melanta’s Dungeon of Presents and Melanta’s Dungeon of Presents EX. Both of them offer a number of floors filled with challenging foes, with one new floor added every day. 

A new holiday-themed Atma called Melanta will appear in both dungeons. In Melanta’s Dungeon of Presents, it will appear in the enemy’s team and heal the Seeker’s Atmas. However, the tables are turned in Dungeon of Presents EX, as Seekers have to include Melanta in their party. The adorable Light-element Atma will then proceed to heal the enemy Atmas, providing a tougher challenge for veteran Seekers. 

As a treat for Seekers who manage to triumph over the dungeons, Melanda will hand out Melanta Presents and Melanta Cookies as rewards. Melanta Presents are treasure boxes containing a random reward, from busts to big prizes. Meanwhile, Melanta Cookies can be used on the limited summon banner Melanta’s Special Summons, which gives the Seekers a chance to add Melanta to their roster permanently. 

Furthermore, Code Atma also adds two new features to help the Seekers in the War Beyond the Veil: Combo Dungeon and Complete the Chapters. 

At the Combo Dungeon, Seekers are challenged to face six floors of enemies using only certain Atmas provided. This special dungeon can help seekers in understanding how to combine the powers of different Atmas and look for the mightiest synergy. 

Complete the Chapters is a chain of quests that tasks players with finishing the story chapters. Every finished segment will reward Seekers with hundreds of diamonds, while finishing all segments in a chapter brings thousands of diamonds. The prizes also apply retroactively to Seekers who have finished the story. 

It’s time to celebrate the holidays by challenging the Melanta dungeons head-on and earn various rewards to enjoy in the new year. 

Here are Code Atma’s holidays and new year events:  

[Melanta’s Dungeon of Presents and Melanta’s Dungeon of Presents EX] 

24 December 2021 to 6 January 2022 

Both dungeons challenge Seekers to vanquish foes waiting for them on each floor (with Dungeon of Presents EX providing a higher difficulty). But the mischievous Melanta will obstruct the Seekers’ battles by healing the enemies in Dungeon of Presents EX. Seekers can also earn Melanta Presents and Melanta Cookies by making their way through the dungeons. 

[Melanta’s Special Summon] 
26 December 2021 to 6 January 2022 

Seekers can summon Atmas on this banner using the Melanta Cookies. Other than the various Atmas available, the new and adorable Melanta is also in the pool. 

[Combo Dungeon] 

In this special dungeon, players will face the challenge of finding the best combinations out of the provided Atmas. Seekers who finish all sixth floors will get a bunch of rewards for their trouble. 

[Complete the Chapters] 

This series of quests invite players to play Code Atma’s story campaign chapters. Seekers can earn hundreds or even thousands of diamonds by completing all available story segments.