‘BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA’ beta testing open for limited users

KRAFTON, the South Korean video game developer, announced that BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA (BGMI) is now available in open beta but only to a limited number of testers. “The Early Access of the game will be available on Google Play Store only to players in India,” said Krafton’s official blogpost.

The BGMI can be accessed only on first come first serve basis. The post further reads that fans can click on the links provided on their official verified social pages or the official website. “Progress made while in Early Access will carry over to the final version of the game including in-game purchases. An increasing number of Early Access slots will be made available frequently throughout the day. The link for the Early Access will remain the same as indicated above,” it added.

In order to provide a fair and pleasant gaming experience for all users, KRAFTON has defined policies that all users need to comply with when using their service. All users playing the game must comply with the following rules.

1) Do Not Use Unauthorized Programs or Hardware Devices

If you use unauthorized programs or hardware devices that are not permitted by KRAFTON that promote unfair game play using specific mouse or other hardware device (collectively “Unauthorized Programs or Devices”), you may be subject to strong penalties, such as permanent game ban and restrictions of using the Service   on your hardware devices. If you develop, advertise, trade or distribute unauthorized programs or hardware, KRAFTON   may take legal action against you, may seek relief from judicial authorities, may make an investigation in accordance with relevant laws, as well as impose penalties within the game.

2) Do Not Modify the Game Client, Servers or Game Data 

Unauthorized changes to the Game client (“ini” file modification, etc.), servers, or data (such as packets) are actions that interfere with game services and violate copyright laws. You must not engage in these actions. 

3) Do Not Exploit Vulnerabilities in the Game (Bugs and Glitches)

Users exploiting errors and bugs found while playing the Game will be liable for serious penalties, and we reserve the right to take action against those who take unfair advantage through official procedures and acquired game currency and items will be removed .

4) Do Not Discriminate Against Others (e.g. Racial or Sexual Discrimination)

It is unacceptable to disrespect or use offensive words towards others based on their race, gender, nationality, etc. Please be friendly and respectful towards other players.

5) Do Not Use Inappropriate Nicknames

Inappropriate nicknames or those that may be offensive or provoke negative imagery are considered to be in violation of the Rules of Conduct, and action may be taken against users who create them. Examples of an inappropriate nickname include: 

– A nickname that is sexually explicit or obscene;

– A nickname that is made with the intention to impersonate Krafton or our staff;

– A nickname that is discriminatory in nature;

– A nickname that may infringe on the trademark or copyright of a third party;

– A nickname that is sensitive or causes offense for any other reason not mentioned above;

In addition, if you change a few letters of an inappropriate nickname, or try to construct nicknames that are cleverly inappropriate by mixing other characters before and after the letters, your nickname will be immediately changed without your consent and/or penalty measures will be taken.

6) Do Not Team kill  

Team kill is prohibited as it interferes with normal team gameplay and penalties may be imposed if team kill is determined to be intentional and reoccurring.

7) Do Not Team Up (By Forming Teams Outside What is Allowed By The Selected Game Mode)

Intentional teaming up between players or other teams in ways that the Game does not presuppose in each game mode is considered an unacceptable behavior and penalties may be imposed. In the case of when you have received advantages by creating a team with a user who continuously or intentionally uses unauthorized programs or hardware devices , measures may be taken against you, as you are considered a member of an abnormal team.

8) Do Not Stalk Other Players from Match to Match

Penalties may be imposed if you try to stalk other players in order to interfere with normal gameplay.

9) Do Not Publish Personal Information

Penalties may be imposed if you publish information that personally identifies another (e.g. disclosing personal information of others to third parties or making it publicly available), which is regarded as an act that violates privacy.

10) Do Not Manipulate Match Results

Strong penalties may be imposed on those who manipulate the results of the game in an unfair way, by taking unfair advantage in exchange for cash, goods and/or services, manipulating additional accounts in addition to their own account. Those who get caught may end up losing all acquired in-game items.

11) Do Not Steal Another User’s Account

A user may not attempt or gain access to another user’s account. Where such activity has been detected, the user may be banned and/or access to the user’s own information and account may be restricted.

12) Do Not AFK (Away From Keyboard or idling)

Penalties may be imposed on players who go AFK while in a match. Being AFK can place your teammates at a disadvantage or otherwise undermine the gameplay experience. Players who AFK repeatedly to earn points or other account related progression or rewards will be penalized with all account progression and items removed.

13) Do Not Trade/Sell Accounts

Measures will be taken against the act of accessing accounts that are not in your possession and trading or selling the accounts or its game data without the company’s written approval.

14) Do Not Disturb Business Operations

Users who spread false information, abuse the customer service platform, impersonate an employee, create and spread rumors, or conduct any other acts that disturb the company’s normal business operations may be permanently banned from the game depending on the seriousness of the misconduct.

15) Do Not Play the Game Abnormally 

If any abnormal gameplay patterns have been detected that are impossible to be performed in our Game, measures could be taken against the account that performed such action in order to create a fair gameplay environment. 

16) Other Undefined Misconduct 

Any action which is not defined in the Rules of Conduct that negatively impacts the delivery of KRAFTON’s services or negatively affects other players may be subject to warning and penalty through careful review of the circumstances.

Apart from that, the company has rolled out proper frameworks for the users in terms of penalty where all the users need to follow the guidelines to avoid a ban from the game, from three days ban to a permanent ban. Apart from that, Krafton has also created a set of rules for its community policies which users should follow before dropping into any of their official community and social channels. 

Krafton also added, “To maintain a healthy community culture, we may delete posts or comments that are deemed unacceptable without prior notice. We may also restrict access to official communities depending on the severity of the infraction. Finally, if you suspect or see behaviour that violates a social or community platform’s terms of services or policy, please leverage that platform’s unique reporting process.”

The link provided by Krafton for early access currently says: “BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA app’s reached the maximum number of testers that can participate in it and isn’t accepting any more testers.” However, Krafton in its official announcement post revealed that an increasing number of early access slots will be made available frequently throughout the day and the link will remain the same. This means that the players need to constantly keep checking the link again since no time slots have been provided.