VFX Guest Column| 5 tips for new Indian game streamers to grow their influence and authority -

Guest Column| 5 tips for new Indian game streamers to grow their influence and authority

EWar Games CEO and founder Parth Chadha

Parallel to the prolific rise of e-sports and online gaming in our country in recent years, game streaming has become extremely popular and emerged as a lucrative profession (or side hustle) too. Thanks to the pioneer game streamers and gaming influencers such as CarryMinati aka Ajey Nagar, Kronten Gaming aka Chetan Chandgude and MortaL aka Naman Mathur, the game streaming scene in India is booming like never before!

While the fame and popularity involved is what attracts a majority of the young gamers to the streaming space (apart from the great monetisation potential), growing your influence as a newbie game streamer can seem like an uphill task.

That being said, here are some valuable tips for novice Indian game streamers to grow their follower base and domain authority from the scratch:

Get your gear/ set-up right: If you are serious about making it big in the streaming space, the first and foremost task is to get the right equipment (necessary for streaming) for yourself. To begin with, you must invest in a high-quality microphone (USB mic preferred for beginners), a webcam, a gaming headset and professional software (like screen recording software, streaming software, and more). Also, it is crucial to get a steady and fast internet connection in place before you launch your livestream (after all, low latency/bandwidth will result in a poor quality stream which will be a turn-off for most viewers). And, never forget to double-check on the internet speed and audio-visual quality every time before going live.

Build your personal streaming avatar: Game streaming is a very competitive space, and in order to stand out from the rest, you need to start building your unique streaming persona right from day one. So, whether you want to present yourself as the hardcore battle royale game streamer or want to spruce up your streaming with a bit of cosplay, make-up, banter or comedy, it is up to you. Whichever gaming niche, persona or gaming avatar you choose for yourself, it is important to stick to them in the long run. This will further help you develop your personal brand (even outside the streaming space) and grow a tribe of crazy fans/followers over time.

Interact & engage a lot: Constant engagement with your viewers is the golden rule for gaining success and rapid growth in the streaming industry. Providing non-stop, entertaining commentary of your gameplay is one the best ways to connect with your audience; make them feel as if they are present inside the gaming location or battleground. Also, when you are starting out, be as humble as possible; acknowledge each of your followers, express gratitude to them and try to reply to every comment/reaction on the livestream itself (if possible)! Once you have established a loyal audience base, actively network with them and encourage them to continue supporting/interacting by posting chats or questions in the comments during your livestreams and on social media handles. You may also do strategic ‘collabs’ with other emerging streamers for cross-branding purposes, i.e. get another streamer’s audience to your channel and vice-versa.

Incentivise your viewers: As a new game streamer, incentivising your audience is quite important so that they have a reason to come back again and again (to watch and engage with your streaming content). One of the best ways to do this is by conducting giveaways at regular intervals. Surprise your live audience (or tell them in advance that you will be doing a giveaway during your upcoming stream) with gift cards, gaming accessories and deals, and so on. When your followers get more value from you than what they would expect, a significant majority of them will surely spread the word. As you grow more, you may even invite some regular viewers for game nights with you or your squad, indulge in brand partnerships and promotions in innovative ways and continue to shower your audience with digital gifts, sponsored prizes and/or subscriptions.

Remain focused but enjoy the journey: You must remember that attaining stardom in the game streaming space requires a lot of patience, resilience, and hard work. In the initial days, stay laser-focused on building and nurturing your community. Figure out your own streaming schedule and stream high-quality gaming content consistently and passionately. Respect your fans and followers, interact with them and make it your priority to listen to and solve their issues (related to gaming). Do not ever get bogged down with negative comments or trolls, but do refrain from making controversial comments/remarks on your stream. After you have established considerable level of authority on one streaming platform, you may join some other platforms (off late, a number of new game streaming platforms are coming up in the Indian market with helpful, growth-centric features for new streamers). Above all, just relish the adventurous journey (of being a game streamer), keep doing your thing(s) persistently, and eventually, you will see your viewership growing, sponsors coming on board, and much more positive things happening!

(This article has been contributed by EWar Games CEO and founder Parth Chadha, and AnimationXpress does not necessarily subscribe to these views)