Animal Crossing: New Horizons has released its latest update, taking the game to version 1.5.0. This update adds Halloween-themed gear to the game, including pumpkins to grow and new events.
This new update adds spooky seasonal content. There’s the Halloween event, DIY projects requiring pumpkins, new character customisation options and appropriately themed outfits. There are also some quality of life improvements and bug fixes.
The software has been updated if you see “Ver. 1.5.0” in the upper-right corner of the title screen.
General updates
- A new seasonal event, Halloween, has been added.
- Pumpkins (produce item) and DIY projects that use pumpkins have been added.
- Added new features for visiting dream islands with Luna: the ability to choose your destination from a list of previously visited dream islands and the ability to favorite previously visited dream islands.
- It is now possible to hide items that are not for sale by pressing the Y Button when viewing the catalog via Nook Shopping.
Fixed issues
Other adjustments were made to improve the gameplay experience.
Throughout October, players will be able to purchase costumes from the Able Sisters and learn some new DIY projects. There will be special in-game celebrations on the night, and you’ll be visited by Jack, a mysterious pumpkin-headed character who you can ply with candy for unique rewards.
A few seasonal changes were made to the appearance of Nook’s Cranny in the last autumn update, they’ve really gone all-out for October – and are even selling seasonal items to get your player in on the fun, too. It wouldn’t be the Halloween season if players couldn’t purchase creepy costumes and parade like the monsters. The Able Sisters have covered with a significantly-expanded inventory of items – which appear to rotate daily, as with regular clothing items.
The Halloween celebration, hosted by the Czar (or Tsar, if you like) of Halloween himself, will be underway at the end of October. To prepare for it, be sure to collect candy from Nook’s Cranny each day (one per day, per player), and hoard it to exchange with Jack for special themed items on that hallowed night.