Winners of Live Competitions at Bengaluru GAFX Conference 2017

Live Competitions ranging from  eight hours to 30 hours were conducted at Bengaluru GAFX Conference 2017. This one of its kind competition saw a big increase in participation. Over 500 participants including students and professionals competed in categories ranging from traditional art to digital art to technical artistry and challenge. The various categories included clay sculpting, acrylic painting, 3D modelling / Zbrush sculpting, 3D Game Art, story writing and illustration, character animation, hackathon and procedural art creation. The organisers received an overwhelming response to the competition and had to pre-screen registrants and shortlist the participants to the number that could be fit in the space available.

The live competitions not only provided a great platform for the students and professionals to showcase their talent and get recognised at an all India level but also the studios an opportunity to spot talent. On the third and the final day of GAFX 2017, the winners were awarded the Bengaluru GAFX Champion title and were rewarded handsomely with cash, pen tablets from Huion, vouchers from Jungle Lodges and Resorts including job / internship offer considerations.

Here is a complete list of the winners in the student category:

Clay Sculpting: Participants create a sculpture in a controlled setting, based on the theme of the day. Basic supplies like organic clay and base stand are provided at the event while the participants have to carry their own tools.

Hackathon (Simulation X): Participants have to solve a real world optimisation problem in 22 hours using the Unity Game Engine.

Hackathon (Procedural City): Participants have to use the power of mathematical and algorithmic pattern generation to create a stunning procedural world in 22 hours using the Unity or Unreal Game Engine.

Story Writing: Students and professionals have to write a short story for an animated project which should be visualised on a storyboard. The theme is provided on the spot.

Character Animation: Character Animation Competition is for participants to showcase their talent as a Character Animator, going through a creative and physical endurance test of over 30 hours. Participants are provided with the PK-Man Character Rig which is built to industry standards and is very versatile in its features.
Digital Painting: Participants have to create the most compelling digital painting based on the theme of the day.

Traditional Painting: Participants have to create a traditional painting (acrylic) based on the theme of the day and are provided with Canvas, paint, paint-brush and other basic supplies.

3D Modelling: Participants have to go through a creative and physical endurance test building an asset by modelling and texturing it. For students, theme revolves around a prop while for professionals, the theme is around character modelling.

3D Game Art: Participants have to create 3D Game Art which includes modelling and texturing. For students, theme revolves around a prop while for professionals, the theme is around Hard Surfacing modelling.

Category Student

Category Place NAME Institute PRIZE
Clay Sculpting
First Prize Ramachari University College of Visual Arts, Davangere Cash Price: INR 15000
Runner Up Santosh Kumar Chanarts Visual Art College, Bidar Cash Price: INR 10000
Hackathon (Procedural City) First Prize Rahul Sinha & Sumit Gosh M.S Ramaiah Institute of Technology – Bangalore Cash Price: INR 30000 plus employment opportunity with MPC, Bangalore*
Runner Up Harshavardhan Kode Indian Institute of Technology – Bombay Cash Price: INR 15000 plus employment opportunity with MPC, Bangalore*
Story Writing First Prize Shashank Uppalike & Team National Institute of Design- Bangalore Cash Price: INR 20000 plus internship with Videogyan studios*
Runner Up Chirag Bafna & Team Jain Animation School – Bangalore Cash Price: INR 15000
Character Animation First Prize Sai Srikanth Charepalli Native Puppets – Bangalore Cash Price: INR 20000 and scholarship of INR 55,000 from Native puppets and internship with Videogyan studios*
Runner Up Arjun K Wiztoons – Banagalore Cash Price: INR 15000 and scholarship of INR 35,000 from Native puppets
Digital Painting First Prize Karthik Bharadvaj University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering – Bangalore Cash Price: INR 15000, Huion 610 Pro Pen Tablet and Adobe Creative Cloud one year license as well as employment opportunity to enroll into MPC Academy*
Traditional Painting First Prize Shashidhar MMK College of Visual Art – Gulbarga Cash Price: INR 15000
Runner Up Shiva Prasad MMK College of Visual Art – Gulbarga Cash Price: INR 10000
3D Modeling First Prize Muhammed Fouz Ul Haque Arena Animation- Kannur, Kerala Cash Price: INR 15000 and Huion 610 Pro Pen Tablet plus employment opportunity to enroll into MPC Academy* and internship at Videogyan studios*
Runner Up Hemnath R Arena Animation – Rajajinagar, Bangalore. Cash Price: INR 10000 and Huion K85 Pen Tablet plus employment opportunity to enroll into MPC Academy*
3D Game Art First Prize Rohit Lad Arena Animation – Jayanagar, Bangalore Cash Price: INR 20000 and Huion 1060 Pen Tablet plus employment opportunity to enroll into MPC Academy*
Runner Up Huzefa Sikander ICAT – Bangalore Cash Price: INR 15000 and Huion 610 Pro Pen Tablet plus employment opportunity to enroll into MPC Academy*

Category Professional

Category Place NAME Organization CASH PRIZE
Clay Sculpting First Prize Vinayak S Shri Mandilkar Fine Art Studios – Mumbai Cash Price: INR 20000
Hackathon (Procedural Generation) First Prize Sharatchandra Aital & Shaurya Krayonik Lab – Bangalore Cash price: INR 40000 plus employment opportunity with MPC, Bangalore*
Runner Up Tilak S Naik & Ahamed Shoaib MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology – Bangalore Cash Price: INR 20000 plus employment opportunity with MPC, Bangalore*
Story Writing First Prize Nikhil Chandra Technicolor India Pvt. Ltd. Cash Price: INR 30000
Character Animation First Prize Kannan Xentrix Studios – Bangalore Cash Price: INR 30000
Runner Up Vignesh Xentrix Studios – Bangalore Cash Price: INR 20000
Digital Painting First Prize Bala Sutar Hike Messenger – Bangalore Cash Price: INR 20000, Huion 1060 PLus and Adobe Creative Cloud one year license
Runner Up Radha Krishnan R MPC – Bangalore Cash Price: INR 15000 and Huion 610 Pro Pen Tablet
Traditional Painting First Prize Jaya Ganesh NS Power Research & Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. – Bangalore Cash Price: INR 20000
Runner Up Basavaraj S Vani Fine Art College – Gulbarga Cash Price: INR 15000
3D Modeling First Prize Moby Francis MPC – Bangalore Cash Price: INR 20000 and Huion 1060 Pen Tablet
Runner Up Fatihima Raseed HappyMongo – Bangalore Cash Price: INR 15000 and Huion 610 Pro Pen Tablet
3D Game Art First Prize Shyamsagar S Technicolor India Pvt. Ltd. Cash Price: INR 30000 and Huion 1060 Plus Pen Tablet
Runner Up Ranjilnath Technicolor India Pvt. Ltd. Cash Price: INR 20000 and Huion 610 Pro Pen Tablet
Hackathon (Simulation X) First Prize Ajmal Sohail Kukkangai National Instruments – Bangalore Cash price: INR 40000 plus plus employment opportunity with MPC, Bangalore*