Tekno Point Multimedia creates a need eBook for children ‘Kwally the Alligator’

Tekno Point Multimedia has recently created a new children eBook called ‘Kwally the Alligator’ especially designed for Kindle. It released on amazon on 1st May 2012 for 7.99 USD.

The book revolves around a central character Kwally who befriends kids and helps them learn values as and when an opportunity arises.

The central character has a very Indian theme which makes it the USP for the ebook. ‘Kwally the Alligator’ is mainly targeted for the age group of 3-7years. It is developed by three artists over the time of one month.

The story was first created around the central characters of the book Kwally, Queen, Shobho and Kapineo. Once the basic story board was ready, the main character was designed and followed up with story based illustrations. Kwally is a medium for kids to relate and learn new things from.

Elaborating more on the eBook and the challenges faced during the development Yash Mody, author of the book said that, “Getting the illustrations done was one of our greatest challenges, as we wanted to make sure every aspect of the illustration like the design, position of characters, colors were specified. The work was made easier as Kindle is a very cost effective platform for authors who have the entire content ready and would like some validation before they plan to approach a publication house.”

Tekno Point Multimedia is presently working on a business book and trying to get a publication plan for Kwally. They even have few books in mind which they want to publish. A couple of them are already on amazon. One on zen and one for kids. They even have a technology oriented book and a business book in pipeline apart from subsequent versions of Kwally.

