Kross Komics, India’s first of its kind comic destination turns one today. After being out on Google Play Store for a year, the app has managed to gain huge popularity and gather around one million downloads.
“We are very humbled by the response the Indian market has shown us in this one year. As our goal is to solve the entertainment needs of the content-hungry youth of the country, it’s not easy to be going up against the behemoths that already occupy so much mind and pocket share of young Indians. So in that sense, our achievement is definitely something to be proud of,” mentioned Kross Komics president and CEO Hyunwoo Thomas Kim.

The team which is managed in India by Kross Komics Indian representative Siddharth Raikar has grown from strength to strength. Starting with three members initially, Kross Komics is now a team of 15 members. “This is happening with members bringing excellent pedigree and relevant experiences. Kross Komics is determined to build a self sustaining unit here in India,” added Raikar.
Kross Komics has content available in English, Hindi and also recently in Telugu. “Adding a third language was an important challenge that our team saw through in the era of remote working. And we’re really proud of having done that!” said Raikar.
Audiences have been seen bingeing on movies and series, but bingeing comics is new and exciting phenomenon for Kross Komics, who observed their daily readership to have grown five times and even the volume of readers have gone up by around three to four times. “On an average we see each reader consume about 20-25 comics during their time with us,” mentioned Raikar.

Readers are hungry and will respond to good content. The format (comics or visual stories) is incidental. A lot of Kross Komics’ current readers have not been consuming comics in the conventional way before – so they jump to digital stories that grab their attention and stick around if they find it appropriate.
“We see readers starting with stories at 12:30 am and they keep going till even later in the night! Here’s hoping our brand gets its own “& chill” equivalent lingo in the cultural consciousness,” added Kim.
Kross Komics’ goal for the immediate future is to bring the best of digital comics that are doing very well in international markets. “For long our readers have either had to settle for pirated sites or VPNs to access these top tier stories – but we’ll be making this access very easy and legit! So no more unnecessary workarounds,” Kim mentioned.
Kross Komics is of a simple belief that entertaining digital comics should be made easily available to young Indians who can choose how to spend their “me time” across various platforms and formats. “Videos, games, social – are here to stay. We just feel with our efforts in growing the Digital Comics space, we can say to the market that there’s enough room for everyone!” Kim concluded.
With a great reader base already there, we wish all the very best for Kross Komics. Hoping to see the comic industry flourish in the years to come.