‘Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point’ makes it to Apple’s top 10 bestseller fiction list

The comic books fan base is growing day by day, especially with Marvel and DC comics. Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point, a new six-issue comic book series launched last week sold so many copies that it was not only the number one comic of the week but also topped fifth place on Apple’s bestseller list of fiction.

Comics rarely make it on the fiction bestsellers list and when they do, they tend to be in the form of collected editions of wildly popular intellectual properties like Watchmen and The Walking Dead. The bestseller list for the week ending on 25 April was released earlier today.

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point is written by Christos Gage and art by Reilly Brown alongside Nelson Faro DeCastro and John Kalisz. The story shows Batman thrown into Fortnite’s island, where he fights for his life, and later he seems to be suffering from some form of amnesia; where he dies and reborns after every 22 minutes.

In a press conference, Gage said, “For me, the challenge was the same challenge that Batman faces, which is given these obstacles-once he finds himself in the loop and time resets, or his memory resets every 22 minutes- how do you get out of that? It took some creative thinking. But he is Batman, and he figures that he’s probably gonna figure out a way out.”

The comic’s arrival in bestsellers is bigger news but it suggests that apart from DC Universe subscribers, the people who do not buy comics usually are the major buyers of Batman/Fortnite comics. Twitter has backed this up anecdotally, and Gage could not be happier.

Gage tweeted, “Every time I see someone post that Batman/Fortnite has introduced them or someone close to them to comics I feel good, I realize not all will stick around, but those who will are the future of this medium I love so much.”